- Arrive in Istanbul on June 20th, stay for 4 days
- Ravenna for 3 days
- Rome for 4 days
- Bari for 2 days
- Brindisi for 3 days
- Otranto for 1 day
- Taranto for 1 day
- Catanzaro for 2 days
- Reggio Calabria for 3 days
- Palermo for 3 days
- Back to Baltimore on July 20th!
If you click on the name of each city I've listed, you'll be taken to the wikipedia page about. Each of these places has either a castle, cathedral, palace, or something of the sort that's built during the 11th century or earlier, which is the primary time frame I'm dealing with.
So as you can see from my last post, I've cut out a few places and am staying longer in a few others instead. I think this will make the whole experience less hectic for me, plus I think it's more likely to wish I had more time somewhere than to be bored and wish it was time to leave.
Have any of you been to any of these cities? Any can't-miss sites? Leave a comment!